Neem (Azadirachta indica) A. Juss
Family: Meliaceae
Neem (Azadirachta indica) is one of the most suitable and valuable tree species found in India.
It can grow on wide range of soils up to pH 10 which makes it one of the most versatile and
important trees in Indian sub-continent. Due to its multifarious uses, it has been cultivated by
Indian farmers since Vedic period and it has become now part of Indian culture. In India, it
occurs throughout the country and can grow well in every agro-climatic zone except in high and
cold regions and dam sites. In fact in India, Neem trees are often found growing scattered in the
farmer’s fields and on the boundaries of fields without much affecting the crops. Farmers
practice this system just to meet the local demand for timber, fodder, fuel wood and also for
various medicinal properties. Due to its deep tap root system, it does not compete with annual
crops for scarce soil moisture.