Astound Spark Private Limited

Selection And Financing Of Agricultural Pumpsets


The necessity of having simple field oriented guidelines for selection of proper agricultural pumpset and its accessories arises out of the fact that studies so far conducted by various agencies in the country indicate that even at present majority of pumpsets are improperly selected, incorrectly installed and have deficiencies in selection of not only the major components of a pumpset namely, pump and motor but also in selecting proper size of suction and delivery pipes and foot valve. Studies have indicated that a farmer can save over his present expenses for pumpset operation if his pumping system is properly selected compared to an improper selection and installation. Such correct selection would not only salvage the farmer from his avoidable yearly financial loss but would also save the nation power by way of savings in diesel oil consumption and electric power input to the large number of pumpsets used in agricultural operations.
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